Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Discrimination Lives Within Everyone Essay - 1013 Words

Racial discrimination has affected the world in many ways. Historically in the United States there have always been racial issues between the African Americans and white Americans. Most African Americans were sidelined in all areas of economic, political and social growth. Whites were seen to be more superior, which led to segregation of housing, schools, restaurants, hotels, and transportation. Equally concerning, are the instances of religious discrimination that still occur in this country. Even though we have made important advances in race relations, we still face serious racial and religious discrimination in the United States. During the 1950s until the mid 1970s African Americans fought for their rights to have equality in†¦show more content†¦One of the most famous historical marches was the march in Birmingham, Alabama. This is where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. visited his associated organization and discussed the a nonviolent movement through the streets of Birmingham. King was arrested for violating a state policy of assembling a protest and spent time in solitary confinement. During King’s time alone he wrote a letter to the clergymen of Alabama stating that he was wrongfully arrested and that he had good reason for being in Birmingham. â€Å"King stated that he was the president of the SCLC organization, and he was invited to Birmingham because he had ties there in Birmingham† (King 222). Another form of discrimination that plagues us today is reverse discrimination. Reverse discrimination is a controversial term referring to discrimination against members of a dominant or majority group, including the city, state, or country in favor of a minority or historically disadvantaged group. Martha Gellhorn author of â€Å"White into Black† told her story dealing with racial discrimination during the 1950s in Haiti. Martha Gellhorn was a white author who went to Haiti to write a book and found herself mistreated by her own ethnic race. She was treated as if she was a minority and did not fit in because she was an outsider. â€Å"Gellhorn quoted at the end of her story thatShow MoreRelatedThe First Amendment Of The United States Constitution1745 Words   |  7 PagesIt may not seem like this problem is affecting every person directly but if it is affecting other people within the country, it is affecting everyone. There are stereotypes about all different religions and there is a misunderstanding between accepting and approving, which causes religious discrimination in many parts of people’s lives. One of the religions that is facing a lot discrimination is the Muslim religion. 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