Sunday, December 22, 2019

Reflection Paper For The Goal A Process Of Ongoing...

ACCT 315 – 01 Daniel Allington Due: April 11, 2017 Reflection Paper for The Goal: A process of ongoing improvement (Goldratt) 1. Say we have identified the bottleneck machine of a production process. List at least four things suggested in the book that will result in a greater throughput without actually expanding the physical capacity of the machine. The setup crew should setup the machine so that it is running parts while they are on their break or lunch to decrease its idle time. Use other machines that can do the same task as the bottlenecks. Outsource the job of the bottleneck to another vendor. Stop running parts for orders that are not immediately needed. Another thing that can be done is have quality control inspection tasks†¦show more content†¦So, to reach your expected target you really need a capacity much larger than your expected output 3. You are the manager of a manufacturing plant. The plant is having trouble making a profit, deliveries are always late, customers are dissatisfied, and the workers in the plant are upset and are threatening a strike. Your boss will close the plant if you don t do a lot better by cutting costs and increasing sales. Besides that, your spouse may divorce you and your children are failing in school. Your staff has come up with the following action plans. Comment on the advisability of each plan in terms of Throughput, Inventory and Operating Expense. I want more than a direction of change. I want a reason for the change. a. The process engineer suggests that you find the most labor-intensive operation that the plant performs. Reduce costs by automating the operation. Jonah always worked with Alex by asking him questions rather than giving him specific answers to the questions being asked. Questions, I would ask and seek answers to would be: Will automating the process actually save costs? 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