Monday, December 30, 2019

Benefits Of Universal Healthcare System - 1399 Words

Since the advent of health insurance in the 1950s, there have been many models of care that are come to the scene in an attempt to both control cost of care and improve quality of care. Insurance models came into being because the fee for service model used until then was proving to increase cost of healthcare without any measure of quality of services and care provided. Health insurance models have evolved from the basic hospital offered insurance to employer sponsored coverage plans. The US health system is broken both financially and quality wise with more than 20% of gross domestic product being spent on healthcare (Blackstone, 2016). There has been discussion to have universal healthcare system similar to Medicare as a method to have a centralized monitoring system of cost. There have also been other systems tried beginning with HMOs in the 1970s in an effort to streamline access to necessary healthcare services by employing a gatekeeper to their access at the primary care levels. With patient dissatisfaction, PPOs were tried which circumvent the necessity of referrals (Hacker, 1998). Either of these models had substantial effect on healthcare outcomes while the cost of healthcare continued to skyrocket. The US spends more than any other country on healthcare but outcomes are not better (Blackstone, 2016). In 2010, under President Obama’s leadership, Affordable Care Act was passed and one of the promising features is the formation of accountable careShow MoreRelatedHow Capitalism Can Save American Healthcare817 Words   |  4 Pagesacronyms are so close in alphabetical sequence; a consumer could easi ly get healthcare plans confused. Dr. David Grazier author of â€Å"How Capitalism Can Save American Healthcare† interviewed a colleague named Bob who agreed that healthcare is too complicated, he shares â€Å"the confusion--the prices are inscrutable, the ever-rising costs, the questionable quality, the chaotic lack of information. That is the micro-level of healthcare† (Grazier). Chapter five from the text Health Policy the organization,Read MoreHow Capitalism Can Save American Healthcare819 Words   |  4 Pagesacronyms are so close in alphabetical sequence; a consumer could easily get healthcare plans confused. Dr. David Grazier author of â€Å"How Capitalism Can Save American Healthcare† interviewed a colleague named Bob, who agreed that healthcare is too complicated, he shares â€Å"the confusion--the prices are inscrutable, the ever-rising costs, the questionable quality, the chaotic lack of information. That is the micro-level of healthcare† (Grazier). 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There are natural born rights that should be provided to all humans just because it’s morally right. Humans, being an intelligent species, should know that there are certain things that are needed to progress as a whole. Affordable healthcare coverage is on e of those things that should beRead MoreThe High Quality Of Health Care1133 Words   |  5 Pagesaggregate spends significantly more on its healthcare industry, relative to other developed nations, and yet not all Americans have access to adequate health care services. In the present essay I compare the healthcare system in France with the U.S. system in regard to the Triple Aim framework (improving quality of care, improving the health of populations, and reducing the per capita cost of healthcare) to identify alternatives to optimize the U.S. healthcare system as a whole. Subsequently, I apply theRead MoreUniversal Healthcare in the United States1615 Words   |  6 Pagesit is held back by its weak healthcare system. As of 2010 the US healthcare system currently ranks the 37th best out of 190 countries. Before the introduction of the Affordable Care Ac in 2010, the united States had an individual insurance market. It was the responsibility of the individual or their employer, t o take care of their healthcare costs. On top of this millions of people could be denied insurance by different agencies due to pre-existing claims. Healthcare was expensive, but the costsRead MoreHealth Care For The United States1361 Words   |  6 PagesRising healthcare costs in the United States have made healthcare less affordable over time, creating a major public health issue for individuals without insurance. In a Health Affairs study about patient accessibility to care, the differences between adults with and without coverage has broadened from 2000 to 2010.1 The Obama Administration recognized this as an issue, and in 2010 signed into law the Affordable Care Act to make health insurance available and ultimately affordable to all US citizens

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