Monday, October 21, 2019

The Character of Slim Essay Essay Example

The Character of Slim Essay Essay Example The Character of Slim Essay Essay The Character of Slim Essay Essay Essay Topic: Equus During the fresh Slim is respected and trusted by his fellow spread workers and even has Curley following his orders. Slim advises George and becomes George’s intimate. As he acts as George’s intimate he later becomes the moral supreme authority of the drama. he is the chief character who can acknowledge things from right and incorrect. Slim is a particular character because he speaks to everyone from Crooks to Candy and even Curley’s married woman. In the novel the thought of hierarchy is of import. as Slim is trusted by the whole spread he is the 1 who is at the top. this is shown in the novel with his authorization. However during the drama he is the character who represents the baronial spread worker. Slim represents a sympathetic influence in the otherwise hostile nature of mundane life on the spread. When the reader first meets Slim in the novel he is presented as being high in the hierarchy in the novel. Slim is presented as a respectable adult male which is why the other spread workers trust him. this accordingly leads him to going the adult male who George can confide in approximately Lennie. as Slim realizes that Lennie has the outlook of a kid. This shows how Slim is presented as a adult male who is really wise which leads people to swearing him. This is shown when it says. â€Å"his tone was friendly. It invited assurance without demanding it. † This illustrates how people can swear because of Slim’s soft nature. The ranch workers are shown in to esteem because of the hierarchy and because he is the baronial spread worker when it says. â€Å"they precede him. † This shows his authorization within the spread as they respect him and because of his place in the hierarchy of the spread. As Slim is portion of the hierarchy of the spread he described as when traveling â€Å"with a stateliness merely achieved by royalty. † This is shown to stress his place within the spread hierarchy and this presents the thought that he is like the prince of the spread. As slim is skilled he is called a â€Å"Jerkline skinner† which shows he is really baronial. This gives the feeling that as he has great skille d and a great deepness of perceptual experience he about emanates unagitated and understanding. In the fresh Slim is shown to hold a personality which is really alone compared to the other workers on the spread. Slim is described as holding a â€Å"hatchet face† which is â€Å"ageless. † This gives the feeling that Slim has a sense of immortality around him. which is described as being extraordinary. This illustrates how Slender as he is ageless is about like a piece of furniture for the spread as he is high up in the hierarchy which farther enforces the fact that Slim is a baronial spread worker who is trusted by the work forces. Steinbeck uses slims â€Å"ageless† and â€Å"hatchet face† to use the usage of similes to demo the character of Slim. He employs similes when Steinbeck writes that Slim’s custodies are â€Å"delicate† and are â€Å"those of a temple terpsichorean. † Steinbeck uses similes to demo Slim’s elegance within the novel. which besides represents his character as a character who is able to state right fr om right from incorrect which is a accomplishment in itself. This is besides illustrates how he has great accomplishment with his custodies. Furthermore. Slim is a character who is â€Å"capable of killing a fly on the wheeler’s butt with a bull whip without touching the mule. † This shows how Slim is trusted among the workers ; this besides emphasizes how Slim is character who is really powerful but controlled. Steinbeck presents Slim in the novel as a character who is about like a father-figure for the other ranch workers. This is shown when Steinbeck wrote that Slim has a â€Å"understanding beyond idea. † This illustrates how Slim is the male parent figure as he is the wise adult male of the spread and is the individual who is besides really perceptive. This shows that his mensural manner of life gave great hope to the other ranch work forces and gave them inspiration and a friend who they could speak to. Steinbeck uses positive adverbs to demo his kindness towards Lennie and George. As Slim is wise and really clever he realizes that Lennie has a head of a kid. This is shown when he uses the adverbs â€Å"kindly† and â€Å"Gently. † This shows how he has a caring attitude towards them as George has about looked after Lennie his whole life. In this manner he is about sympathetic towards George because he realizes how much George has had to cover with because of Lennie. which is why Slim becomes the intimate of George. Steinbeck makes the character of Slim become the intimate of George. He uses this so Steinbeck can associate back to the original narrative of George and Lennie. This is shown when it said. â€Å"Slim neither encouraged nor discouraged him. He merely sat back quiet and receptive. † This illustrates how Slim gained the trust of George because of his soft nature and because he is the male parent figure. This shows how he is in touch with other ranchmen although harmonizing to the hierarchy he is much higher than them. this shows how he is a really baronial and wise adult male because he considers himself as one of the common work forces. So he is able to listen to them with their jobs like they are the same his. As Slim becomes the intimate of George. in the conversation with George he says that Lennie is â€Å"a nice fella† and that â€Å"He ain’t mean† This shows how Slim has a different attitude towards Lennie as if he is looking after him every bit good as George. This is why the reader becomes sympathetic because Slim is sympathetic towards Lennie which encourages the reader to go sympathetic. This creates a cardinal function for Slim because without Slim the reader would non hold been encouraged to go as sympathetic to Lennie. Slim is polar towards the intervention Crooks because he is one of the lone people in the spread to handle Crooks with the regard he deserves. This is shown when he says. â€Å"He’s enough good. † This illustrates how Slim is just and compassionate because it shows how he knows the difference between right and incorrect which shows how he is impartial. This is because during the 1930s it was normal for black people to be treated really severely because to many people they were still known as slaves. which is shown through the isolation in which crooks lives. This is farther enforced when Slim is the really first character to turn to Crooks by his existent name alternatively of the name â€Å"nigger† which is a black slave or â€Å"stable vaulting horse. † This shows how he treats him with more regard than the other charac ters do. This gives the feeling that Slim clearly seems to hold a scruples during the novel. this shows why work forces swear his judgement. Through this it gives the feeling that Slim could be the metaphorical voice of Steinbeck showing his positions on bias and the manner people are treated and how they should be treated. During the novel the pragmatism of Slim is shown when he acts like a leader and usher because the Canis familiaris has been shot. This is shown when he says â€Å"Take a shovel. † to Carlson. The usage of an imperative shows Slim’s commanding nature and authorization. Furthermore as he is commanding. he is besides a realist which is why he understands that the Canis familiaris needs to be shot for the better of the Canis familiaris. The short sentence structure creates an consequence because it shows Slim’s dominating nature. Slim has a really dominating nature which is why Slim is the moral supreme authority during the novel and which is why he knows that Candy’s Canis familiaris has to decease. This is shown when â€Å"Candy looked impotently at him. for Slim’s sentiments were jurisprudence. † This enforces the thought of Slim being the moral supreme authority because it shows how it is an emphasized thought which is strengthened by the fac t that it is a statement. In the novel Slim has a batch of power and different characters to his character. As he is sort to many characters. non many ranchmen know what he truly would make. This is shown when it says. â€Å"Nobody don’t know what Slim can make. † This illustrates how Slim does hold a bad side which known wants to acquire on the bad side with. This thought that no one’s what he can make implies that Slim is capable of great force. This is shown when he â€Å"drowned four of mutton quads right off. † This is because his â€Å"bitch† could non feed them which shows that he will merely make force if it is necessary and so for the better non the worse. this emphasizes his overpowering power Slim has. Slim’s place in the hierarchy is high because he is able to do Curley halt what he is making. This shows his assertiveness when he says. â€Å"you ballad offa me. † This implies that due to the hierarchy and Curley’s fright of Slim. he is prepared to make what Slim tells him to. However when Lennie is acquiring beaten up by Curley. it shows how Slim is really peaceable but at the same clip endangering and ever looking out for people who are non in the incorrect. This is shown when â€Å"Slim jumped up. † this shows how Slim is protective over Lenny which makes the reader feels sympathetic towards Lennie. On the other manus his aggression is shown when says. â€Å"get um myself. † This illustrates how Slim has a concealed strength. and about Acts of the Apostless like a baronial dark Equus caballus. When Curley’s married woman dies. the character of Slim reveals that he did care about Curley’s married woman which is why he is respectful and caring during her decease. This is shown when Slim tells Curley â€Å"stay here with your married woman. † Slim uses an imperative to demo how he knows that Curley needs to remain at that place for his ain benefit but for Lennie’s every bit good. But. as the state of affairs escalates Slim realizes that â€Å"we got ta get im. † As he takes control of the state of affairs he does non make because he wants to kill Lennie but because he wants them to travel easy on Lennie and non ache him. This is because Curley wants to. â€Å"strap him down and set him in a coop. † This illustrates how Slender attentions for Lennie and does non desire him to decease. When Lennie dies he has to move as a intimate where he goes to George and non the opposite manner unit of ammunition because he has to reassure him because otherwise he knows that George will be feeling really bad after. He uses his realistic expression on life to demo how in life that is a rough life. this is shown when he says. â€Å"A cat got to sometimes. † This illustrates how he has to maintain George unagitated and does this by the usage of repeat. which is shown when he says. â€Å"you hadda George. I swear you hadda. † He is acquiting George so that he feels better which is further implemented when Slim â€Å"twitched George’s cubitus. † So Slender utilizations positive encouragement to hearten up George. This is in contrast to when Slim had to hearten confect up for when they killed his Canis familiaris. it is like Lennie is George’s whelp and so Slim has to now hearten up George. While facing George about killing Lennie Slim says to him to sit down and so â€Å"sat down beside him. sat really near to him. † The repeat of the word â€Å"sat† shows how he Is once more utilizing the thought of repeat to quiet him as they are friends and Slim is the male parent figure for George. the manner George was for Lennie. This creates a physical propinquity which is created by the appeasement and repe at. The writer uses Darwin’s theory to show a subject to the reader that merely the strongest can last in the universe and the weak must decease. which is why Lennie must decease. This is because Lennie is like the ill whelp because it would be â€Å"cruel to maintain him alive† like Carlson said. Overall Slim is presented in â€Å"Of mice and men† as the male parent figure of the spread and so the leader to whom everyone respects and can speak to in times of demand. As he is the father figure of the spread he is really baronial and sees himself as one of the common workers. this is why he is the moral supreme authority during the drama who voices the sentiment of Steinbeck. As George neer truly had anyone talk to. Slim becomes the intimate for George assisting him through George’s heartache when he kills Lennie. Slim provides a polar function in the Novel because he is the character who is impartial and is one of the common work forces who is high in the hier archy.

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