Saturday, October 5, 2019

Personal statement on intended major Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

On intended major - Personal Statement Example Our employees were falling ill and receiving pay cuts for their absent days. I listened to their problems, took notes on everything I felt my family needed to sort out in order to insure that we did not take a hit in our quarterly earnings. Prior to presenting the problems to my father, I decided to work on possible solutions to the problem on hand so that he would have immediate solutions to the problem. I will never forget that first day that I met with him, my organizer and laptop in hand, ready to show him what I discovered and how we could fix the problems that were affecting our company. I pointed out to him how our shifts at the factory needed to be increased so that we would have more products coming out of the line while giving out employees enough time to rest during the day. The shifting schedule would also benefit our part time workers who could fill in for anybody who was not on the working line that day. We had a discussion about the welfare of the employees and how we needed to get some sort of medical coverage for them in order to make sure that they could take care of their health. If we could not increase their salaries, we needed to find another way to keep the employees content. It would be best to make up the difference in another way. It was a highly animated discussion between two equals who both had the economics of life at the forefront of their minds. At the end of the meeting, my father had this smile on his face that went from ear to ear. I will never forget what he told me, â€Å"Son, I never knew that you were a born economist. Your deductive reasoning skills are above par. Keep up the good work.† It was those inspiring words of my father that drove me to learn more about economics and how I can use it to benefit myself as a capitalist while also sharing the financial blessings with those who work for me. If that makes me a born economist, then I guess I am and I am proud to be one. Personal Statement 2 I realize that being a student these days is practically a 24 hour occupation. In order to stay ahead of my classmates and remain in competition for the best grades in my school, I devote most of my free time to my studies. However, I also realize that a bookworm may become very good in theory but fail in the social aspects of his life. Which is why I try my best to balance these two aspects of my life. I am not all about academics. Neither am I all about fun either. However, I do not participate in just any kind of social activity. I have always been encouraged by my parents to be civic minded and try to do my best to give back to my community. That is why I chose to become a volunteer at a local senior care home. Whenever I want to take a break from the academic grind, I take a trip down to Tzu Chi, a local charity group that volunteers its services at a local nursing home. We come down twice a week in order to help entertain and educate the seniors who are only too happy to have us intrude into their hum drum lives. One of the activities that they enjoy doing the most is learning languages. I, being Chinese ended up teaching them the basics of conversational Chinese. China is emerging as a new economic giant in the world, our language is also fast gaining its place in the business world. Which is why most people enroll in Chinese language schools in order to learn the language. I

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