Friday, February 28, 2020

English literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

English literature - Essay Example Socrates was told he the wisest by an oracle thus took upon this theory and challenged himself to spread his knowledge to mankind. Jesus on the other hand was selected by the Supreme Being to save the people from committing the ‘original sin’. It’s been told that both Socrates and Jesus were blessed with some sort of divine power. It gets a little controversial by bringing religion under this discussion but the fact is that Jesus was a prophet, to prove that he is genuine, God sent down the Bible and the Quran as proof of Jesus’s existence. Whereas Socrates was only wise and he himself took the liberty in spreading knowledge. Both of these divine forces had a mission in hand and that was to establish some form of societal change. Socrates followed the philosophy of why life was worth living. He had wanted that all people should become capable of understanding the wrongs associated with the current order of life and without prior knowledge; this was the reas on why Socrates could not stop himself to spread the truth. Jesus on the other hand was sent to earth to save us from the original sin. Both of them were unique in their own manner and apparently posed as a threat to the society that encircled them. Jesus and Socrates both were considered to be corrupt in their own patterns. This was the reason why both of them were brought to trial. ... Jesus claimed that there was only one God and proved to the people by performing miracles. Many peopled also claimed Jesus to be the word of God, the ‘King of the Jews’, which made him a threat and was viewed as the attempt for overthrowing monarchy. Socrates was charged with unorthodoxy by not having faith in in the cities of gods and was blamed of being an atheist in spite of having a clear faith in  the divine power. Socrates is seen as the one with more knowledge than anyone else of his time. Like Jesus, he was unique with the power of speech-making and was able question people about their gods whom they believed in.  Socrates claimed that there were gods like Zeus was not the only one being controlling everything that took place in the world, and the concept that followed the ‘will of gods’ was not true either. This was considered as an attack on the Athenian government; unbeliever in the cities of gods, not a citizen of the state. Both of them were given a trial before they were executed. Both of them had disciples of their own. Each had a person of their own who questioned about their beliefs and actions and someone who betrayed them in the end, one way or the other. Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot for 30 pieces of silver and during the last supper all his followers questioned him one way or the other. The night before the death of Socrates, Crito visited him in prison and offered an escape route out of the country and to live as an outcast. A prophet is the person who speaks to and for God. Jesus did Gods work as per Gods will, although Socrates didn’t support any particular religion so we cannot depict him as a prophet. They both died for what they believed in and both of them were threatened by their teachings which varied from

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