Thursday, November 21, 2019

To What Extent Does The Philosophy of The Upanishads Represent A Essay

To What Extent Does The Philosophy of The Upanishads Represent A Continuation Of The Vedic Tradition Answer With Particular Reference To The Following Key Con - Essay Example The idea of sacrifice in the Vedas has more an inward orientation. Sometimes this has resulted in even atheist thinking with in Hinduism. Later compositions often cite the authority of the Vedas as the more orthodox of Hindu scriptures. Many of the ideas in Hinduism like Dharma, Moksha and Karma are a matter of confusion even for the best of minds. Some times even the Vedas and Upanishads may not give the faithful clarity of mind. However, the search for truth by itself is a spiritual experience even when one has unsolved question in the mind. The essay concludes by the assertion that the Vedas are the ultimate spring from which other scriptures took their origin. Scriptural authority in Hinduism has many levels. (Lipner, 1988, P.26) In other religious texts the idea of inspiration, which is very sacrosanct and rigidly defined, is left somewhat vague in Hinduism. It is not even expected that all believers should fall in line with a canonical adherence to any doctrine as in other religions. â€Å"In an attempt to set monotheism firmly within the framework of classical Hinduism, Debendranath tried to find authority in the Vedas but became disillusioned with further study and decided that reason and conscience should be the test of the authority of any scriptural text.†(Brockington 176) In traditional Hinduism the Vedas have been given the status of the ultimate canonical text of divine knowledge. The word Veda means knowledge and it is applied in the sense of saving knowledge. It is interesting to note that many Hindus do not have any access to the Vedas .For all the real-time use many Hindus use other forms of scriptures. By about 400-300 BC the idea of â€Å" the four-Vedas† known as Chatur Vedas became an accepted canon. The four Vedas are The Rig, the Sama, Yajur and Atharava Veda .The Vedas contain a huge and diverse body of sacred language, which is directly or indirectly concerned with sacrificial ritual. The composition of the Vedas was a

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